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New Potions 1.0
[ Скачать с сервера (2.20 Mb) · Скачать удаленно () ] 16/07/2009, 04:43

This here is a collection of brand new semi-seethrough potions for your pleasure. The zip file also contains Potable pastiche compatible .esp for which I take no credit[Hail Daeger!]. These potions were initially done for craftybits upfront alchemy, but I believe you could all use some classic goodness. The colors are diverse and you will figure out what every color label, cap and fluid mostly stands for in no time. The writings on the labels are gibberish, no point on reading them. :)

New potions that have separate models - Shock/Fire/Ice Shield/Resist, Fortify/restore health/magicka, Fatigue Restore&fortify(same model), Illusion, Mysticism, Alteration, Cure potions, Other resist/fortify/restore. Poisons, Custom poisons and potions and also blood vials without labels.

To install just extract the zip file into your Data directory and only activate one of the esp's.
Категория: ~ Вещицы / Items ~ | Добавил: oII-Lord-IGI-IIo | Теги: potions
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